N 4 (185) 2023. P. 99–102


Odesa National Medical University, Odesa, Ukraine

DOI 10.32782/2226-2008-2023-4-19

This article is devoted to the problems of conflict studies. The authors consider some causes of conflicts arising in practical university teaching. The authors emphasize the need to use modern educational technologies in higher education in order to ensure maximum participation of students in practical classes and create conditions for their professional training and acquisition of certain professional competencies. The necessity of using methods and techniques involving live communication (such as “teacher-learner” and “learner-learner”) has been proved. The effectiveness of the adaptation of a university student to study at a medical higher education institution has been confirmed, which is used to increase motivation in the educational process in academic disciplines and contributes to the stabilization and elimination of various conflict situations in higher education. The methods of solving conflict situations arising in the educational process in higher education institutions and the regulation of productive cooperation of students for constructive conflict resolution are determined.

Key words: biology of human behavior, conflict studies, medical university.


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