N 1 (182) 2023. P. 96–98


Dnipro State Medical University, Dnipro, Ukraine

DOI 10.32782/2226-2008-2023-1-21

The purpose is to investigate the features of adaptation to study in Ukrainian universities of students from different countries.

Research material and methods. We carried out an anonymous survey of 54 4th year foreign students of the medical faculty, of which 14 people came to study from the Francophone countries of North Africa (Tunisia, Morocco), 21 – from India, and 19 – from the Middle East countries.

Results. Among the most important factors Francophone students indicated difficulties in communicating with others people (71%), while for English-speaking students the most important factors were the impossibility of communicating with relatives (63%) and the lack of free time (58%). As the research was carried out after the distance learning caused by the coronavirus epidemic, the most dissatisfaction in education process was impossibility of dealing with real patients as well as a large amount of self-study. In students from North Africa dissatisfaction was caused by the lack of time for teachers to work individually with each student (79%). For Arab students, the most important thing was the fact that teachers do not listen to students’ opinions (32%). Students from India, first of all, noted the large volume of topics to study (43%) and the difficulty in mastering the topics associated with the illogical presentation (38%).

The obtained results show that students from the countries of North Africa and the Middle East have a rather demanding attitude to the education quality, prefer the mastering of practical skills. Cooperation with the teacher is important for them, to form relationships based on mutual respect. While some students from India have difficulties with studying that may be caused by insufficient compliance of their school program with the requirements of Ukrainian higher education.

Key words: foreign students, adaptation to study, higher medical education.


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