N 1 (182) 2023. P. 75–78


Poltava State Medical University, Poltava, Ukraine

DOI 10.32782/2226-2008-2023-1-16

Higher education institutions should create a safe and secure educational environment for teaching clinical skills. To achieve this goal one of the ways is to use simulation technologies.

The aim. Introduce simulation technologies into the educational process and evaluate their effectiveness in passing an objective structural research exam.

Materials and methods. Simulation class was created on the basis of the department. It equipped with dummies and phantoms. The staff of the department prepared two stations: «obstetric» and «gynecological». 28 algorithms for the implementation of practical skills and checklists for assessing the actions of students of higher education have been developed.

Results. The use of simulation processes has a positive impact on the organization of the educational process. At any time, you can simulate a complex or rare clinical case and repeat it as many times as necessary to acquire the necessary level of specialist competence. The acquired experience of teaching and the great clinical experience of the staff of the department made it possible to develop algorithms for performing practical skills on phantoms, mannequins. The described fact allows you to work out the performance of certain actions, makes it possible to repeat manipulations, reduces the time required to master the skill in a clinical environment and minimizes harm to the patient's health during clinical intervention.

Conclusions. The introduction of modern teaching technologies into the educational process in the form of classes, centers of simulation technologies on the basis of universities and clinics will contribute to effective preparation for the OSCE.

Key words: simulation technologies, educational process, exam, students of higher education.


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