N 3 (181) 2022. P. 9–12


Municipal Institution of Higher Education Rivne Medical Academy of Rivne Region Council, Rivne, Ukraine
Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
Bukovinian Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine

DOI 10.32782/2226-2008-2022-3-1

Oxidative stress induced by hyperglycemia triggers the mechanisms of pancreatic β-cell damage and thereby accelerates the progression of diabetes. One of the possible ways to suppress free radical oxidation and increase the effectiveness of diabetes treatment, and prevention of unwanted effects is the correction of body functions with the help of adjuvant therapy with biologically active substances, including carrageenan.

The aim of the study. To find out the changes in indicators of free radical oxidation and antioxidant protection in the liver of rats with diabetes when different concentrations of carrageenan are used.

Materials and Methods. The study was conducted on 40 white outbred male rats. The subjects were divided into four groups of 10 animals each: 1st group – control (intact animals), 2nd – animals with diabetes, 3rd – animals with diabetes that consumed 0.5% carrageenan solution, 4 and – animals with diabetes that consumed 1.0% carrageenan solution. The concentration of lipid hydroperoxides, active products of thiobarbituric acid, the activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and the concentration of reduced glutathione in the liver homogenate were determined.

Results. According to our study, the use of a 0.5% carrageenan solution in drinking water for rats led to the development of lipid peroxidation in the liver tissue, but at a lower intensity than the use of a 1% carrageenan solution. With the use of 0.5% carrageenan solution in the experiment, a significant increase in the activity of SOD in the liver homogenate by 41.5%, catalase – by 11.3% compared to the control, and in relation to the 2nd experimental group, the activity of SOD increased by 33.5% (p<0.05), catalase – by 4.76% (p<0.05). Oral administration of 1.0% carrageenan solution also led to an increase in SOD activity in relation to the indicators of intact animals, however, in relation to the 3rd group, the SOD activity indicator decreased by 7.75%. Evaluating the indicators of the 3rd experimental group compared to the 2nd, an increase in the content of reduced glutathione by 13.85% was found (р<0.05). In the group of animals where a 1% carrageenan solution was used, the content of reduced glutathione decreased by 13.85% (р<0.05) compared to the 3rd experimental group.

Conclusions. Therefore, 0.5% carrageenan solution stimulates the growth of antioxidant protection indicators, which reduces, and in some of the studied animals, neutralizes the processes of free radical oxidation. The use of 1.0% carrageenan solution leads to the intensification of the development of oxidative stress in liver tissues and inhibition of the indicators of the antioxidant system.

Key words: diabetes, oxidative stress, carrageenan, antioxidant system, liver.



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