N 4 (189) 2024. P. 46–50


Odesa National Medical University, Odesa, Ukraine
Military Medical Clinical Center of the Southern Region, Odesa, Ukraine

DOI 10.32782/2226-2008-2024-4-8

At the moment, issues regarding the organization of high-quality analgesia during medical evacuation between hospital levels of medical care remain unresolved.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the results of analgesia of the wounded with combat surgical trauma to the extremities during treatment at the early levels of providing medical care.

Materials and methods. The results of analgesia of 100 patients with combat surgical trauma of the extremities were analyzed. Indicators of the intensity level of pain syndrome were registered at the time of admission to the frontline hospitals (VAS1), at the time of the beginning of interhospital transportation (VAS2), at the end of interhospital transportation (VAS3).

Results. The indicators of VAS1 were 7 points (5; 8), VAS2 – 4 points (3; 5), VAS3 – 6 points (4; 7). Analyzing the dynamics of pain intensity level indicators, a decrease in pain level was found with a statistically significant difference between VAS1 and VAS2 (p < 0.05), as well as an increase in pain level with a statistically significant difference between VAS2 and VAS3 (p < 0.05).

Conclusions. Regardless of the localization of the gunshot wound of the extremity and the type of perioperative analgesia, negative dynamics of indicators of the intensity level of pain syndrome during interhospital transportation were observed. We consider the issue of optimizing analgesia during interhospital transportation of wounded with combat surgical trauma of the extremities extremely relevant.

Keywords: combat surgical trauma, gunshot wounds to the extremities, pain.


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