Administrative and legal dimension of medical reform in Ukraine

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу Terzi, O. O. en 2020-05-12T05:04:08Z 2020-05-12T05:04:08Z 2018
dc.identifier.citation Terzi O. O. Administrative and legal dimension of medical reform in Ukraine / O. O. Terzi // Людина як цілісність: філософсько-методологічні, соматичні та суспільно-психологічні аспекти здоров’я: Міжнар. наук. інтернет-конференція, 21 червня 2018 р., Одеса: збірник матер. – Одеса, 2018. – С.1 en
dc.description.abstract The actuality of the medical reform in Ukraine is due to the need to change the system of free medical care for the population, to provide it with better and professional assistance, to pay the cost of drugs for budget funds, etc. The mentioned problem with the purpose of a thorough analysis of the content and directions of the ways of reform, elimination of miscalculations and shortcomings, and the improvement of certain aspects of such activity are actively investigated by politicians, physicians, scientists, the public, namely: O. Goncharova, P.Kovtonyuk, E.Komarovsky, R.Lebid, S.Staryh, E.Novitsky, O.Petrenko and others. However, lawyers still do not pay enough attention to the administrative innovations of the reform, which actualizes the need for their consideration. In this context, it should be considered the expediency and optimality of the resolution of such issues of medical reform as the status of authorized bodies, the procedure for the provision of medical services after the conclusion of the contract on medical care under the program of medical guarantees, their payment for the developed tariffs, the organization of the electronic health system, implementation control over observance of the legislation on reforming the medical sphere. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject medical reform en
dc.subject medical care for the population en
dc.subject administrative innovations en
dc.subject electronic health system en
dc.title Administrative and legal dimension of medical reform in Ukraine en
dc.type Article en

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