Комплексное лечение кариозных полостей с использованием гиомера “Beautifil II”, высоких концентраций озона и кариеспрофилактического комплекса позволяет достичь за два года наблюдений кариеспрофилактический эффективности в 42,5 %, нормализовать уровень гигиены полости рта, функциональное состояние микрокапиллярного русла десны, увеличить степень минерализации твердых тканей зубов.
Currently qualimetric quality research materials and methods of their use at filling cavities are conducted
insufficiently. Creating new materials for fillings are often ahead of standardization and normalization
of their quality. Comprehensive assessment of dental technology is the key to high clinical efficacy
of materials and techniques. Assessing the impact of filling materials and methods of their use in
dental status and development of new technologies of filling is an important task of scientific and
practical dentistry. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of the developed scheme of filling using high
concentrations of ozone-oxygen mixture, giomer “Beautifil II” and caries preventive complex on indicators
of the hard tissue of teeth, oral hygieneand functional state of the microcapillary bed of the gums. A comprehensive approach to the treatment of dental caries in young people a main group provided high caries preventive efficiency (CPE). Reduction of caries in 2 years of observation in the growth index CPE amounted to 42.5%. The level of oral hygiene in the comparison group during 2 years of observation has not changed. At the same time in the main group index Silness–Loe during this period decreased by 36.5%, and Stallard — by 32.5%. The results of the study spectrocolorimetric colored coordinate patients and their change under masticatory load during treatment showed that the study group of spasms capillaries under masticatory load alternation almost disappeared in 6 months,
indicating a partial normalization of functional responses in the capillary vesels. Moreover, the use of
giomer “Beautifil II” and high ozone concentrations at background of caries preventive complex allows
to increase the degree of mineralization of hard tissues of teeth