Метою роботи є оцінка ефективності ВПЛ-тестування як первинного скринінгу раку шийки на базі Університетської клініки
ОНМедУ. Підбито підсумки проєкту з ВПЛ-тестування за технологією Hybrid Capture (digene HC2 HPV DNA Test) 294 жінок в Одесі.
Частота ВПЛ-інфекції високого ризику в досліджуваному регіоні становила 10,5%, середнє вірусне навантаження – 319,97 RLU/
COV ratio в загальному зразку, що відповідає високим вірусним навантаженням (більше 3х107 геномних еквівалентів). У 10,7%
ВПЛ-позитивних жінок була виявлена патологія шийки матки, рак шийки матки на ранніх стадіях було виявлено у 28% жінок (2 раку
in situ і 1 рак IA).
The main cause of cervical cancer in almost 100% of cases is the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is also involved in the development
of other cancers of the lower genital tract. The malignant transformation of the cervical epithelium is a continuous process that takes decades
to develop, and early detection of HPV can prevent the long-term development of cervical cancer and the unfavourable course of the disease.
The aim of the study is an evaluation of the effectiveness of HPV testing as primary screening project of the cervical cancer on the base of
University clinic of Odessa National Medical University.
Materials and methods. The results of a project on HPV-testing by the Hybrid Capture technology (digene HC2 HPV DNA Test) of 294
women in the Оdessa were summarized. Results. The frequency of high-risk HPV infection in the studied region was 10.5%, the average
viral load was 319.97 RLU / COV ratio in the total sample, which corresponds to a high viral load (more than 3x107 genomic equivalents).
In 10.7% of HPV-positive women, cervical pathology was revealed, cervical cancer in the early stages was detected in 28% women (2 cancer
in situ and 1 cancer IA). Conclusions. Thus, the introduction of new screening and prevention technologies using simple and standardised
methods shows effective results aimed at reducing female morbidity and mortality. The successful experience of the study makes it possible to
recommend the introduction of HPV testing at the compulsory stage of medical examination of the population as a more effective screening
in terms of clinical and economic aspects.