N 4 (185) 2023. P. 9–13


Dnipro State Medical University, Dnipro, Ukraine

DOI 10.32782/2226-2008-2023-4-1

The present study aims to learn patterns of anxious activity in young and middle-aged rats.

Materials and methods. Rats were put in the vivarium of Dnipro State Medical University (n=40). The distribution of experimental animals also included a division into a control group and an experimental group (with experimental hyperthyroxinemia). For the model of hyperthyroxinemia, levothyroxine tablets (20 μg/day, “Berlin-Chemie AG”, Germany) were supposed to be added at 9:00 a.m. during the feeding process. To study anxiety activity, the “elevated cruciform maze” technique was used. The following indicators were evaluated: LP (latent period), stay in the installation center, stay in the open arm, stay in the closed arm of the maze, the number of looks into the open arm and the number of looks down from it, and the number of transitions into the closed arm.

Results. Results obtained at p<0.05 were considered statistically significant, and data recorded at p>0.05 were statistically insignificant. The duration of stay in the closed arm was longer for young and middle-aged rats without the influence of hyperthyroxinemia. The duration of stay in the open arm of the cross-shaped maze is longer in laboratory young animals with hyperthyroxinemia compared to the group without simulated conditions. Quite the opposite situation was found in middle-aged rats – such consequences are caused by apathy and an anxious aspect.

Key words: rats, elevated cruciform maze, anxiety, hyperthyroxinemia.


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