N 3 (184) 2023. P. 12–15


Odesa National Medical University, Odesa, Ukraine
State Institution “Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Odesa, Ukraine

PHEI “International Academy of Ecology and Medicine”, Kyiv, Ukraine

DOI 10.32782/2226-2008-2023-3-2

The conducted studies showed that in the offspring of intact and γ-irradiated rats, the kinetics of cell populations of the mucous membrane epithelium have differences in the reproduction of chronic periodontitis. In the offspring of γ-irradiated rats, there are no adaptive fluctuations in the content of cells with high and intermediate functional activity of the nuclei, a more pronounced inhibition of the functional activity of the nuclei is observed, the restoration of the balance between the number of cells with different functional activity of the nuclei occurs more slowly after the completion of the simulation of chronic periodontitis, which indicates pathomorphosis of chronic periodontitis in rats derived from γ-irradiated progenitors and may be associated with genome instability.

Key words: ionizing radiation, offspring of γ-irradiated animals, offspring of intact animals, chronic periodontitis.


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