N 1 (182) 2023. P. 108–110


Poltava State Medical University, Poltava, Ukraine

DOI 10.32782/2226-2008-2023-1-24

Upon graduating from a higher educational institution, a future medical specialist must be highly competitive on the labor market. Targeted involvement of students into the in-depth study of theoretical material, mastering of practical skills, as well as their active participation in research work contributes to the formation of a personality as a qualified specialist and researcher. The purpose of the paper is to discuss individual issues of the organization and prospects of the work of the students’ scientific group (SSG) in educational institutions. Material and methods:work experience of the SSG and its relevant documentation have been analyzed. Results. The purpose of the SSG is to identify the most competent and talented students, their active participation in scientific problem-solving studies that are made at the Department; ensure the formation of theoretical, clinical and analytical thinking; increase the efficiency of the educational process and invite motivated students to further post-graduate collaboration. Any student can become a member of SSG, general management is carried out by the scientific curator of the group. An important component of SSG is the activities in the units based on the Department. The scientific research work of the SSG members is multidirectional. Students who have shown themselves to be the best in studies and scientific work are often employed with their home educational institution after graduation.

Conclusions. SSG is a necessary link for the formation and development of a future specialist. Students-members of the SSG can acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills better than students who are not involved into the work of the SSG. Membership in the SSG contributes to better learning of the discipline, increases the range of communication of students, aids to choose a future specialization. Improving the efficiency of the work of the SSG requires various forms of holding meetings and concern of the interests of students.

Key words: scientific work, independent work, students’ scientific group.


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