N 3 (181) 2022. P. 43–46


Odesa National Medical University, Odesa, Ukraine

DOI 10.32782/2226-2008-2022-3-9

In the world approximately 250 million people are recognized as chronic carriers of HBV surface antigen (HBsAg) with a large regional variation in the level of endemicity of HBsAg positive patients from 2 to 8%. All patients with chronic HBV infection have an increased risk of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, depending on the host’s response to infection and viral factors. Studies of interrelationship between polymorphisms of cytokine genes and variants of chronic hepatitis B are not numerous, often, are estimated in one group with chronic hepatitis C.

The method of this study was the equalization of the frequency of polymorphisms of the genes IL-10 (rs1800896), IL-4 (rs2243250) and TNF α (rs1800620) in healthy individuals and patients with chronic hepatitis B, which are residents of the Odessa region.

Polymorphism of genes in cytokines investigated by PCR. The stage of liver fibrosis was determined by the results of the non-invasive FibroScan method. The frequencies of alleles and genotypes in the groups were compared according to Pearson’s chi-squared test with Yates’ correction for continuity with the number of freedom steps being 1.

There are different frequencies of the IL-4(rs2243250) and IL-10 (rs1800896) gene alleles in groups of healthy persons and patients with chronic hepatitis B. According to the established stage of liver fibrosis, the presence of the CC IL-4(rs2243250) allele is more resistant to hepatitis B, lower heterozygous CT of the IL-4(rs2243250) gene (p<0.05). Also, heterozygous carriers of the GA IL-10(rs1800896) allele are more susceptible to chronic hepatitis B compared with the mutant AA IL-10(rs1800896) allele.

Identification of frequencies of gene`s polymorphism in groups of healthy persons and patients with chronic hepatitis B can serve as one of the genetic criteria for the progression of hepatitis B.

Key words: chronic hepatitis B, cytokine gene polymorphism, liver fibrosis.


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