N 1–2 (179–180) 2022. P. 102–107


Odesa National Medical University, Odesa, Ukraine

DOI 10.54229/2226-2008-2022-1-2-18

The article presents the results of understanding the extremes of professional communication of physicians and argues the relevance of the problem of stress-trans-communicative potential of the individual, which is self-fulfilling in a pandemic, globalization crisis and information chaos. The possibility of applying the methodological and methodological tools of the Psychological Philosophy of Transfessionalism (author N. Kryvtsova) is considered.

It’s proven that the audio technique of de-suggestion «Is everything for the better?» (author N. Kryvtsova) is a valid tool for rapid diagnosis of psychological features of stress-trans-communicative potential of self-realization of the researcher of information resources. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated for predicting the types-levels of deep psychological determinants of self-harmonization of cumulative and dissipative processes of self-fulfilling of an educated person in extreme conditions; for the development of skills of active listening and self-reflection, increasing the critical thinking and adequate potential of the life of an educated human, who is capable of self-actualization of the stress-trans-communicative potential of self-realization of the transferor’s personality and strengthening of mental health, in particular physicians; to increase the readiness for co-creation and conscious productive self-change in extreme conditions while preserving the authenticity of own life as a whole.

Key words: extremity, deep psychological determinants of self-fulfilling, stress-trans-communicative potential, Psychological philosophy of transfessionalism, de-suggestion.


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