N 1–2 (179–180) 2022. P. 73–78


Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Ternopil, Ukraine

DOI 10.54229/2226-2008-2022-1-2-13

Modern directions of scientific research and practical implementation in this area of dentistry, despite certain successes, have not made it possible to achieve complete control over dental caries, and the disease still remains the most common on the globe. The review presents the analysis of studies devoted to the multifactorial interaction that leads to the development of dental caries and the effectiveness of the comprehensive approach to dental prevention among children. The results of numerous experimental and clinical studies are presented, which confirm the importance of oral fluid in the formation of tooth enamel resistance, the role of which is to normalize enamel permeability, activate mineralization processes, and form tooth enamel resistance to the action of cariogenic factors. The data that formed the basis of local preventive methods and treatment of dental caries are described. Current approaches to the treatment of dental caries should aim to manage caries risk and identify carious lesions as early as possible to avoid invasive treatment, but use the least invasive methods when indicated. Special attention is paid to the experimental and clinical studies analysis devoted to non-invasive and micro-invasive methods of initial dental caries treatment in children. The caries-infiltration method in the treatment of initial dental caries, which demonstrates its effectiveness relative to some types of remineralization therapy, is analyzed in detail. The experience of using new drugs for non-invasive and micro-invasive treatment of dental caries, which showed good results, is given by the number of authors. A systematic review of sources on the treatment of initial dental caries showed that the use of non-invasive and minimally invasive approaches to stop the progression of initial caries is encouraging and promising. However, to confirm the effectiveness of non-invasive and minimally invasive methods for the treatment of initial caries in temporary and permanent teeth, high-quality, long-term clinical studies are needed, preferably in general dental practice.

Key words: initial dental caries, remineralizing therapy, carious infiltration, micro-invasive treatment methods.



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