N 5 (177) 2021. P. 9–13


Odesa National Medical University MH of Ukraine, Odesa, Ukraine

DOI 10.54229/2226-2008-2021-5-2.

Materials and methods. The organism of sexually mature individuals differs significantly from the organism of immature individuals in a number of anatomical, physiological and biochemical parameters. The aim of the work was to investigate the state of the terminal link of glycolysis in the muscles of sexually mature animals and their offspring.

Results of the study. The isoenzyme spectrum of LDH in the myocardium of sexually mature animals is characterized by a high content of LDH1 and LDH2 isozymes rapidly migrating to the anode. The isoenzyme spectrum of LDH in skeletal muscles of mature animals is represented mainly by the LDH5. A feature of the isozyme spectrum of LDH in the tissues of rat pups is that the content of LDH1 and LDH2 is significantly reduced in the myocardium. Their number is 1.2 and 1.13 times, respectively, less than in sexually mature animals. Against this background, the content of LDH3 increases slightly, the content of LDH4 exceeds twice, and that of LDH5 is more than 6 times the indicators of sexually mature animals. In skeletal muscles of rat pups, the dominant content of LDH5 and LDH4 increases and this occurs due to a decrease in the activity of LDH3 (more than 1.5 times), LDH2 (more than 2.3 times) and LDH1 (2.2 times) compared with sexually mature animals. The data obtained indicate that in the myocardium and skeletal muscles of rat pups there is a greater percentage of isoenzymes formed from M-subunits functioning under anaerobic conditions, and with age, as a result of epigenetic transformations, the content of H-subunits increases.

Key words: myocardium, skeletal muscle, glycolysis, isoenzymes, lactate dehydrogenase



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