Objective. The purpose of the study was to compare the results of the previous X-ray diagnostics, which allowed identify focal regions of preeruptive caries in the permanent teeth of children before their eruption, with the data obtained during the laser-fluorescence analysis of the same teeth after their eruption in order to provide an argumentated approach in choosing the further treatment.

Object and methods. In the course of the study, 67 children were selected from the base of the patients, in which, according to preliminary radiographic findings preeruptive caries pathologies was verified. In order to evaluate the severity of the carious process according to the X-ray methods, an adapted classification was used, the modification of which is described in the study of Baelum V. et al., 2012. After teeth eruption the laser-fluorescence analysis was performed using Diagnodent Pen with the interpretation of numerical results according to Hibst and Paulus.

Results. The correlation between the range of Diagnodent Pen values — of 21–29 and 2–3 levels of carious process severity due to Baelum was 0.79–0.81. Between the range of values 21–29 and the 4 level of carious process severity due to Baelum — 0.64–0.72. between the range of values 21–29 and 5 level of carious process severity due to Baelum — 0.52–0.59; between the indicators of more than 30 and 4 level of carious process severity due to Baelum — 0.68–0.75. Вetween indicators more than 30 and 5 level of carious process severity due to Baelum — 0.72–0.83. If the defect was on the edge of the enamel-dentin interface, or in the outer or middle third of the dentin, it was easily identified by the laser-fluorescence method; on the other hand, when the localization of the demineralization center was too deep, namely on the inner third of the dentin and in conditions the small size laser-fluorescence method was loosing its diagnostic sensitivity compared to all X-ray methods, but in condition of significant defects — the sensitivity of the method progressively increased and the device showed values above 30 at 92.1% of all cases with 5 level of carious process severity due to Baelum.

Conclusions. During the study the fact of existing correlation between the results of primary and control X-ray diagnostics of preeruptive dentine caries before teeth eruption and laser-fluorescence analysis of pre-identified lesions after eruption was considered. We managed to establish the existence of a strong correlation between the indicators of the Diagnodent Pen and the parameters of localization and size of the defective region. The proposed diagnostic approach allows to argue the need of active preventive measures and minimally invasive interventions (fissurotomy and preventive sealing) in the area of the teeth with registered preeruptive caries in order to prevent the development of potential complications of caries pathology.