The study is devoted to the evaluation of the clinical efficacy of the complex advanced treatment of patients with acne with the purpose of standard therapy of the metabolic agent Dalargin (synthetic analogue lei-enkephalin) and the topical antibacterial agent of plant origin Sanguirhytryn.

The study was attended by 92 patients with inflammatory form of acne with a moderate degree of clinical course, males — 35, females — 57 aged 18 to 25 years. In order to compare the efficacy of standard therapy and developed integrated treatment with the appointment of Dalargin and Sanguirhytryn, all patients were divided into two groups: the first group (n=23) received, respectively, only standard treatment; patients in the second group (n=69) on the background of standard treatment received Dalargin for 3 weeks against the antimicrobial topical remedy Sanguirhytryn — to regress of inflammatory elements of the rash. The assessment of therapeutic efficacy in these two groups was carried out according to the dynamics of regression of acne elements. The obtained results were processed using the licensed program “STATISTICA® for Windows 6.0”.

The most pronounced dynamics of regression of clinical manifestations of acne (regression of rash elements) was observed in patients in the second group. Consequently, the appointment in the system of complex treatment of patients with acne of Dalargin and Sanguirhytryn makes it possible to achieve high therapeutic efficacy with the simultaneous good tolerability of these drugs. In comparison with standard method of treatment, the complex method with the use of the metabolic agent Dalargin and the topical antimicrobial phytodrug Sanguirhytryn in patients with acne in a significantly greater degree allows faster achievement of skin rash, reducing the duration of treatment for such patients.

The expressive positive dynamics is observed already at the fourth week of treatment, and the most good results are the sixth with the subsequent achievement of clinical remission / clinical recovery — at the eighth week, which allows recommending this technique as a highly effective alternative treatment for patients with inflammatory form of acne with moderate severity.