Introduction. Genital endometriosis is one of the most mysterious, debatable and actual problems of gynecological practice. 30–40% of women with endometriosis suffer from infertility, with a tendency of this pathology increase. Auxiliary reproductive technology programs are currently an effective tool for the treatment of endometriosis associated with female infertility.

The purpose. To determine the peculiarities of the clinical status of women with endometriosis and infertility on the basis of a retrospective analysis, as well as the main leading factors determining the effectiveness of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Programs.

Materials and methods of research. A retrospective analysis of 1256 medical cards of married couples, who applied to the specialized medical-consultative department of auxiliary reproductive technologies of the SE “Precarpathian Center of Human Reproduction” of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for the infertility during the period of 2011–2017.

Results. Patients with infertility associated with endometriosis on the basis of a retrospective analysis were identified the clinical status of women with endometriosis and infertility, as well as the main leading factors that determine the effectiveness of ART programs. It was determined that among women with infertility associated with endometriosis, there were predominantly socially active women of middle reproductive age with a disorder of menstrual function, mostly algodismenorrhea, menometrorrhagia, irregular menstrual cycle were found. During the analysis of the peculiarities of reproductive function in patients with endometriosis, an increase of the number of intrauterine interventions regarding abortions and spontaneous miscarriages was revealed.

Conclusions. Thus, the obtained results of the retrospective analysis indicate that because of the high rate of relapse in the context of the treatment of endometriosis and polymorbidity, the reproductive potential and the effectiveness of in vitro fertilization programs in this category of women are reduced, therefore the search of means and methods aimed at improvement of the effectiveness of Assisted Reproductive Technology Programs and reduction of early reproductive loss is very important nowadays.