Introduction. Myoma of the uterus is a multifactorial disease. The study of retrospective history of patients with uterine myoma helps identify possible risk factors, their relationship to the clinical course of the disease, and contributes to the development of individualized preventive measures.

The aim of the study was to study the data of retrospective analysis of medical documentation of women of reproductive age, patients with uterine myoma.

Materials and methods of research. 879 outpatient cards, data of obstetric-gynecological history and extragenital pathology in women of reproductive age with uterine myoma were studied.

Results and its discussion. The average rate of myoma was 15.7% of the total number of  women of reproductive age. Violations of the menstrual cycle accounted for 29.6%. 56.0% of women started their sex life at the age of 18–20 years. Irregular sex had 57.4% of women. Intrauterine contraceptives were used by 20.4% of women.

Vaginitis was in 84.3%, acute, chronic inflammatory disease of the uterus — in 14.8%, cervicitis — in 30.1%, endocervicitis — in 9.3%, exocervicitis with the presence of erosion or ectropion — in 27.8% of patients, infectious processes of the cervix uteri — in 67.1% of observations. The incidence of inflammatory processes of female genital organs was in 32.0% of cases. Scraping of the walls of the uterine cavity for spontaneous abortion was in 15.7%, artificial abortion in 81.8%, fractional scraping of the walls of the uterine cavity — in 47.2% of observations. Conservative myomectomy was performed in 14.8%, cesarean section in 28.2%, manual examination of the walls of the uterine cavity — in 9.3% of cases. The incidence of surgical interventions on the genitals was 32.4% of cases. The incidence of somatic pathology of infectious genesis was 32.4% of cases.

Conclusions. Analysis of these studies confirms the relationship between the clinical course of uterine myoma, inflammatory processes of female genital organs, extragenital pathology.