Introduction. Gunshot wounds of the colon are among the most adverse injuries of the abdomen and characterized by a large number of complications and high mortality.

Aim. Optimization of surgical management at colon damages.

Materials and methods. The period from June 2014 to 2016 in Military Medical Clinical Center of the Southern region initially admitted 2018 patients with various gunshot wounds, all treated ATO injured were 6658 members. Shot into the abdomen were 102 (5.1%), in the pelvis — 46 (2.3%). There was a retrospective analysis of surgical treatment of 52 wounded patients with injuries of the colon among the whole count of wounded patients in the abdomen. Isolated injury to the colon were 10 (19.2%), multiple — 18 (34.6%), combined — 24 (46.2%).

Conclusions. In deserosed wall of the colon or at low strain within sero-muscular layer performed suturing the bowel wall. Among colon gunshot wounds received during ATO, dominated by shrapnel wounds, which are multiple and combined nature. Differentiated approach in the treatment of wounded with gunshot wounds colon leads to improved treatment outcomes and reduce mortality. Improving the quality of surgical care of colon gunshot wounds at ATO should be based on the optimization of both organizational and clinical aspects of military surgery.