Significant role in the emergence of local pathological effects of endogenous intoxication are playing protein toxins – medium-molecular peptides (МMP). The purpose of this study was to investigate the antitoxic activity of germanium-organic biologically active substance (medgerm) in experimental hepatitis. Hepatitis was caused by intraperitoneal administration of D-galactosamine based on a semi-lethal dose. The content of the МMP was determined by spectrophotometry measured at the wavelengths 245 and 280 nm in the blood serum (BS) and in the liver tissue homogenate (LT). It was found that acute toxic hepatitis leads to a significant increasing of MMP as in the BS, so in the LT homogenate of rats. The usage of medication medgerm on the background of hepatitis with a therapeutic and prophylactic goal at a dose of 0.4 mg/kg led to a significant normalization of the content of MMP, hence to the weakening of the syndrome of endogenous intoxication, not only in comparison with untreated rats, but also in comparison with animals administered by the well-known hepatoprotector – essentiale. Further monitoring of the animals made it possible to establish that on the seventh day of hepatitis only in rats, that received medgerm, the content of MMP of different fractions, both in BS and in LT homogenate, returned to the control values. In untreated animals and animals treated with essentiale, there were a slight decreasing in the content of MMP, however, they were far from control. Thus, it has been proved, that medgerm has a significant hepatoprotective effect. The usage of medgerm, against the background of acute toxic hepatitis, significantly increased the resistance of rats to hepatotoxic substance and significantly reduced the manifestations of acute toxic hepatitis. The obtained results make it possible to consider medgerm as a highly active hepatoprotective biologically active substance, which simultaneously has antitoxic effects.