Nowadays oxidative stress is considered as an important link in pathogenesis of ischemic cerebral affection. Studying of oxidative protein modification stage (OPM) allows establishing general directivity of free-radical processes in an organism.

The purpose is to study the peculiarities of spontaneous and stimulated OPM among the patients with chronic cerebral ischemia (CCI) depending on the stage of discirculatory encephalopathy (DE), structural changes of brain and stage of vascular wall of carotid arteries.

Materials and methods of investigation. 138 patients with DE of the І, ІІ and ІІІ stages and 33 clinically healthy people were observed. The stage of OPM was estimated according to the level of aldehyde and carboxyl products using Halliwell’s method. There were studied spontaneous and stimulated by Fenton medium stages of OPM.

Results. It was established a significant increase of aldehyde phenylhydrazines (APH) and ketone dinitrophenylhydrazines (KPH) contents at spontaneous and stimulated OPM among the patients with CCI. By means of DE stages progress it was established a significant increase of spontaneous and stimulated АPH. Among the patients with CCI with postischemic cysts due to the data of methods of neurovisualisation it was established the decrease of stimulated КPH contents. That is the evidence of exhaustion of adaptation possibilities of an organism. Among the patients with DE who have thickening of intima-media of carotid arteries there were observed significantly higher rates of spontaneous OPM in comparison with the patients without that thickening.

Conclusions. The revealed increase of OPM intensity in blood serum of patients with CCI reflects general directivity of free-radical processes, particularly an oxidation of proteins in the whole organism and changes of its rates that depend on the stage of, structural changes of brain and state of vascular wall of carotid arteries.