Purpose: development of a simple, affordable, easy-to-use method of prevention and treatment of prosthetic stomatitis in the complete absence of teeth and prosthetic defects acrylic dentures.

Methods. When planning the manufacture of complete removable prosthesis perform clinical and laboratory stages of manufacturing prosthesis laboratory to the last stage, during which the inner surface of the wax denture base system perform micro channels in a parallel line of furrows depth of 0.5–1.0 mm overlap, whole thickness on the perimeter basis, departing from its edges for 3–4 mm, thus creating a closed grid, thus achieving high therapeutic effect due to the continuous local metered getting the drug to the patient’s mucosa. All patients are made of plastic, acrylic dentures. Thus, the first group (22 people). Patients with symptoms and clinical traumatic prosthetic stomatitis which was administered prophylactically rinsing solution “Rotokan” in the first 7 days of using the prosthesis, reinforced hygiene prosthesis. The second group of patients who took a course on prosthetics prevention Amaranth oil which washed the mouth and taken per os. Patients of third group used a modified prosthesis and we developed the method of prevention and treatment of stomatitis.

Results. We have developed technology making complete dentures with simultaneous use of prophylactic course Amaranth oil, which is deposited in the prosthesis allowed to restore stability capillaries to prevent or greatly reduce the activity of prosthetic stomatitis in persons with complete removable dentures. A significant reduction epithelialization — by 35.9% (from index (433.7±30.3) to (277.7±25.6) thousand cells, which is even higher than the level of performance in the first group. However, in terms of seeing a further recovery of epithelialization more quickly and to level (305.1± ±22.9) thousand cell after 6 months. This is, in our opinion, the softening of the epithelial layer mucosa, and reduces excretion of epithelial cells.

Conclusions. Due to the original prosthesis complete denture using polystyrene grid, through which the system is made micro channels for the application of drugs, such as Amaranth oil, can achieve an effective treatment is not painful prosthetic stomatitis, ease of use, dentures and economic feasibility.