Introduction. As a result of detailed study of the 44 sources of scientific literature 49 interpretations of the term “pharmaceutical care” (PC) were revealed.

Materials and methods. All sources were found in Google Scholar with search term “PC”, “term” and “definition” in English, Ukrainian and Russian.

Results of the research. During studying their essence it was found that the PC provider is specified in 29 (59.2%) of them. Particularly pharmacist as PC provider is mentioned in 18 (36.7%) cases. In 5 (10.2%) or terms a practician is defined as PC provider practicing. In other (40.8%) definitions PC provider is not specified. As for the recipient of PC, the 35 (71.4%) definitions are concerning to the patient (patient); 4 interpretations (8.2%) — a sick man, 2 (4.1%) — of people and individuals, and on 1 (2.0%) — the patient and society or pharmacy visitor. In 7 (14.3%) cases recipients of PC were not defined. Subjects of PC are considered as: мedicines — 18 definitions (36.7%); medicines and medical devices — 2 (4.1%); pharmacotherapy — 17 (34.7%); drug-related problems — 1 (2.0%); communication process — 5 (10, 2%); professional care — 3 (6.1%); all activity of pharmacist — 1 (2.0%); responsibility — 1 (2.0%); procedures — 1 (2.0%). As a result of PC authors saw: quality of life — 14 (28.6%); pharmacotherapy optimizing — 6 (12.2%); prevention and management of drug-related problems — 2 (4.1%). More than half of interpretations 22 (55.1%) did not contain the expected results of PC.

No single view of determining the essence of PC enabled own interpretation of this concept. In our opinion, PC is a philosophy of pharmaceutical practice, which consists of pharmacist’s (in collaboration with a physician) taking care over the parties (patients, family members and closed to persons) during the whole period of individualized pharmacotherapy for in advance prepared plan in order to prevent and manage drug-related problems and maintain or improve the quality of life.

Conclusions. Thus, in the literature there are many different interpretations of PC, which differ significantly from one to another with ambiguity and multiplicity of reading and content invested into them. To a large extent this leads to the simplification of the nature and limitations of perception of PC.