Introduction. Kindling was shown to induce behavioural changes additionally to seizure manifestations. Prolonged kindling (epileptiogens’ 90–120 injections) characterized both expressive seizure syndrome formation and animals’ motor activity and emotional behaviour depression.

The aim of the work — the investigation of the motor commands formation peculiarities by nucleus caudatus (NC) by means of swimming behaviour testing in condition of prolonged pentyleneteterazol (PTZ) kindling. The idea of the work is due to NC involvement into PTZ-induced chronic seizure syndrome formation.

Methods. Rats were kindled according to the known method with less than 120 PTZ administrations. Animals were randomized into 3 groups — (i) with PTZ daily i.p. administration, (ii) PTZ injection with 24 hrs interbal and (iii) control group with saline i.p. injection. The author investigated the passive elements of the swimming behaviour determinated by NC as well as kindled rats’ ability to tranfer to the active-adaptive behaviour during the interictal period.

Results. The data showed swimming behaviour passive types significant increase as well as rats’ ability to tranfer to the active-adaptive behaviour worsening throughout the prolonged PTZ kindling. Swimming behaviour changes are likelihood due to NC activation and brain cortex participation.

Conclusion. Interictal behaviour changes are important for the chronic seizure syndrome pathophysiologic mechanisms investigation. They are considered as the protective reactions managed due to the antiepileptic system activity maintenance.