Instructions to authors

“Odes’kij medičnij žurnal”

We continue to accept articles for publishing in “Odesa Medical Journal”.

1. “Odes’kij medičnij žurnal” (“Odesa Medical Journal”) publishes theoretical and review articles, which cover important achievements of science, results of completed original clinical and experimental researches, basic results of dissertations on medicine, dentistry and pharmacy, and also memorial materials.

2. Problem and original articles with total volume of 7–15 pages, reviews — up to 12–20 pages are submitted.

3. Articles, which have been already published in other editions or were submitted for publication to some editions at the same time, as well as the works which are a remake of the articles published before and do not contain new scientific material or new scientific comprehension of already known material are not submitted.

4. The following materials are published in the Journal:
a) results of original researches concerning main directions of development of medical, dental and pharmaceutical sciences;
b) works on fundamental and applied problems in 221 — dentistry, 222 — medicine, 226 — pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, 228 — pediatry:
— genetics and applied aspects of medical genetics;
— biophysical and morphofunctional analysis of cells of an organism at different types of pathology;
— works on modern cellular technologies;
— modern elaborations in the field of general and clinical pharmacology and pharmacy;
— achievements in the field of study of etiology, pathogenesis and diagnostics of modern diseases;
— prophylaxis of diseases, inoculation, prevention of especially dangerous diseases;
c) experimental manuscripts, reviews, clinical cases, novel methods and technologies on current issues of dentistry, medicine, pediatrics, and pharmacy.

5. The author sends to the editorial office an on-line version of the article with a scan of the first page and signatures of all authors. By their signatures the authors guarantee that the article meets all the requirements of the manual of the article style for “Odesa Medical Journal”, experimental and clinical researches have been executed according to the international ethical norms of scientific researches, and also they give the publisher a right for publication of the article in the Journal, placing it and its materials on the Journal’s site and in other sources.

6. An article is accompanied with a scan of (1) letter to the editorial staff, a vised signature of the chief and the seal of the establishment where the work was done, (2) information about the authors (with each author’s contribution statement detailing his/her participation in the work), (3) the declaration of originality of the text of the scientific article and for the home authors also (4) by the expert inference, that authorizes the open publication. For ONMedU employees we provide samples of expert inference and letter to the editorial staff

7. If used in the article materials are intellectual property of some organizations and have not been published before, an author should get permission for their publication from each of these organizations and send it together with the article.

8. The text is printed with 1.5-spacing throughout the text on a standard paper (width of fields: on the left, above and below by 2 cm, on the right — 1 cm) in Arial (Arial Cyr) or Times (Times Cyr) 14 points. The page of the text should contain no more than 30 lines.

9. The language of the articles is English and Ukrainian (articles in English are preferable).

10. The material of the article should be placed in the following order:
а) UDC index — on the left correspondingly to key words;
b) initials and the last name of the author (authors);
c) the title of the article;
d) authors’ ORCID;
e) a complete name of the establishment (establishments) where the work was done, city, country. If there are several authors and they work in different institutions, it is necessary to indicate in Arabic numerals a digital superscript corresponding to the institution where each of the authors works; and the name of the institution must be indicated with the appropriate numerical designation, e-mail, phone number;
f) two abstracts — in Ukrainian up to 800 printing letters (0.45 page) and in English up to 1800 printing letters (1 page). Ukrainian abstracts after the following scheme: UDC index, initials and the last name of author (authors), title of the article, text of the abstract, key words (no more than five).
g) statement of a problem in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks;
h) formulation of the aim of the article (raising a task);
i) research materials and methods with descriptions of research methods, number and distribution of the research objects. Compliance with the principles of the World Medical Association Code of Ethics (Helsinki Declaration) for human research or the principles of the EU Directive 2010/10/63 EU on animal experiments should be noted;
j) presentation of the main material of the study with a full justification of the obtained scientific results;
k) conclusions from the given research and perspectives of subsequent works in this direction;
l) references in the citation order or after the alphabet order.

11. The abstract in English should shortly reproduce the structure of the article, including introduction, purpose and task, methods, results, conclusions, key words. Initials and the last name of author (authors) are given in transliteration, the title of the article must be translated into English. The key words and other terms of the article should correspond to generally used medical terms cited in dictionaries. One should not use slang and abbreviations which are not in general use.

12. The chemical and mathematical formulas are inprinted or put down. The structural formulas are designed as figures. In formulas there are marked out: small and large letters (large ones by two hyphens from below, small ones — by two hyphens from above by a lead pencil); the Latin letters are underlined with a dark blue pencil; Greek ones — with a red pencil; subscript and superscript letters — by an arc line with a lead pencil.

13. The International System of Units (SI) should be used in the articles.

14. Figures and signatures to them should be placed after the corresponding reference to them and on individual pages outside the article.

15. Tables with an ordinal number and title should be placed after the corresponding reference to them, and on individual pages outside the article. The information given in the tables and figures should not be duplicated in the text.

16. The references must contain the list of works for the last 10 years and only sometimes — more early publications. In the original works they quote no more than 20 sources, in the reviews — about 60. Every work in the references should be referred in the manuscript. The literature in the list is ordered according to reference to it in the text of the article, which is given in square brackets, or after the alphabet. If the works of one and the same author are presented, they take place after the chronological order. The references shouldn’t contain works which have not been published yet.

17. The references should be arranged in Latin alphabet according to rules below in English or transliterated according to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) standard or Vancouver style.

For articles:

Povorozniuk VV, Balatska NI, Klymovytskiy FV, Synenkiy OV. Actual nutririon, vitamin D deficiency and bone mineral density in the adult population of different regions of Ukraine. Trauma. 2012;13(4):12-16. (In Ukrainian). Available from:

Scott F, Mamtani R, Brensinger C, et al. The risk of a second non-melanoma skin cancer with thiopurine and anti-TNF use in inflammatory bowel disease. Am J Gastroenterol. 2014;109:S473. DOI: 10.1016/S0016-5085(14)60282-1.

The authors’ surnames and the title of the Journal are given in Latin in transliteration, the title of the article is translated into English. Transliteration can be done automatically at the site: In the bibliographic reference of each source it is necessary to specify all authors, separating from each other a comma and a space. Initials are indicated after the surname, punctuation marks are not separated. The full names of the authors are not given. In the case of 7 or more authors, the reference “et al.” after the first three surnames. If the authors are 6 or less, “et al.” not used. After the list of authors a point and a space is put. The title of the publication is given in English in full, without abbreviations. After the title of the article a point and a space are put. The title of the periodical is given in English or transliterated with the symbols of the Latin alphabet. It is allowed to cite the registered abbreviations of the title of the periodical. Usually this form of writing is accepted by the publication itself, it can be found on the website of the Journal, publisher, on the ISSN website, or it is necessary to give its full name without abbreviation. The names of domestic Journals cannot be abbreviated. After the title of the publication a point and a space are put. Information about the publication: the year of publication is separated by a semicolon, then the volum’s number is given, if necessary, in parentheses indicate the number of the Journal, after the colon follows the range of pages. For an article that is not published in English, the language of the original is indicated in parentheses at the end of the generated link. Additional information about the article — DOI number (“DOI:…”), PubMed ID, source access mode, etc. — is provided at the end of the link as hyperlink. Search form for DOI: Crossref system.

For materials of conferences:

Sulkowski M, Krishnan P, Tripathi R. Effect of baseline resistance-associated variants on SVR with the 3D regimen plus RBV. In: Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). 2016 Feb 22-25; Boston, MA.

Bakeyeva LY, Saprunova VB, Pilipenko DI. Ultrastructure of mitochondria in endogenous oxidative stress, mitochondrial antioxidant protective effect SkQ1. In: Proceeding of the IV congress of the Russian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2008 May 11-15; Novosibirsk, Russian Federation. Novosibirsk; 2008. (in Russian).

The last names of authors are given in transliteration, title of the work — in translation into English. The main thing in descriptions of conferences is the name of conference in the language of original (is given in transliteration if there is not its English title), indicated by italic. Translation of the title into English is given in brackets. Imprint (place of holding a conference, place of publication, year, pages) — in English.

For monographs and other books:

Mann DL, Zipes DP, Libby P, Bonow RO. Braunwald’s heart disease: a textbook of cardiovascular medicine. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2014. 2040 p.

Lutsik AD, Detyuk YS, Lutsik MD, autors; Panasyuk YN, editor. Lektiny v gistokhimii [Lektins in histochemistry]. Lviv: Vyscha shkola; 1989. 144 p. (in Russian).

The last names of authors are given in transliteration, title of the book — in transliteration with translated into English in the square brackets. Place of publication, year of publication, total number of pages — in English, name of publishing house — in transliteration.

Please, note: in the references in the Roman alphabet it is necessary to indicate all the authors of the literary source, which you refer to. It should also not use punctuation: // and —. The name of the source (Journal, conference, book) is always indicated by italic.

At the end of the literature source, the digital identifier DOI must be indicated (if it is present). The observance of these rules will provide the true representation of quoted sources in the majority of citation databases.

18. Abbreviations of words and word combinations are given according to State Standards of Ukraine 3582–97 and National State Standard 7.12–93.

Those who have no assess to the full content of NSS can find it at the site of the Odesa Medical University, the bibliography examples style is presented. Available from

19. The printed materials executed with the use of computer technologies are added by computer type-setting materials and graphic in digital form.

The text can be done in the following formats: Word for Windows, RTF (Reach Text Format).

The graphic material should be submitted in separate files of the XLS, TIFF, WMF or CDR formats. Resolution of line originals (the graphics, schemes) of the TIFF formats must be 300–600 dpi B&W, halftone (pictures, etc.) — 200–300 dpi Gray Scale (256 gradations of gray). Width of graphic originals — 5.5, 11.5 and 17.5 cm.

20. Articles are subjected to scientific reviewing, as a result of which the decision is taken whether to publish the work or not. The rejected articles are not returned and are not resubmitted.

21. The Journal reserves the right for editorial correcting, which does not distort its contents, or returns an article to the author for correction of revealed errors.

22. The date of article’s coming to the Journal is the day when the editorial office receives the final variant of the text.

23. After the editorial board confirms that the article has been submitted, requisite payment details are provided. The cost of publication is UAH 2,000 (up to 12 pages). Each additional page is paid separately UAH 40. The publication fee covers costs of proofreading and editing, page-planning and on-line version of the Journal. The on-line version of the Journal is timely placed in the publically available Journal’s website. At the request the author of the article can order a printed copy of the Journal. The cost of a printed copy is UAH 800, which must be paid in addition to the publication fee. The author sends confirmation of the payment (a scanned check or its photo) to e-mail

24. “Odesa Medical Journal” contacts:
Valikhovsky Lane, 2, Odesa National Medical University Rectorate, Odesa, 65082, Ukraine; e-mail
Technical secretary of editorial — Mariya Chebanenko, phone +380 (67) 7617660
Person of contact (Publishing House “Helvetica”) — Khrystyna Demchenko,
phone: +380 (93) 035 42 60;
Scientific editor — Petro Antonenko, phone: + 380 (97) 5875636
Journal sites:,

25. The articles that fail to meet these requirements are not admitted. Reprinting of articles is possible only with the written consent of the editors and with reference to the Journal.

The average waiting time of publication (from the day of the article adoption by editorial board to the day of publication) is 2–8 months (depending on the actual number of publications submitted by authors to a definite issue).

In the case of detection of serious mistakes or violations of integrity after publication of the article, the article withdrawal (retraction) procedure is applied.