The purpose of the journal is to create a platform for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and research results for researchers, theorists, practitioners in the field of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy.

In order to achieve this goal, the Editorial Board of the journal has defined the following tasks:
— dissemination of new ideas, approaches, treatment and diagnostic protocols in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy;
— publication of the latest methods, results of basic and applied research that contribute to the development of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy;
— dissemination of modern experience in teaching disciplines, the formation of general and professional competencies in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy.

The journal publishes:

1. The results of original research in the priority areas of medical, dental and pharmaceutical sciences.

2. Works on fundamental and applied problems in the following specialties 221 — dentistry, 222 — medicine, 226 — pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, 228 — pediatrics:
— genetics and applied aspects of medical genetics;
— biophysical and morphofunctional characteristics of body cells in different types of pathology;
— work on the latest cell technologies;
— the latest developments in the field of general and clinical pharmacology and pharmacy;
— achievements in the field of studying the etiology, pathogenesis and diagnosis of modern diseases;
— disease prevention, vaccination, prevention of especially dangerous diseases.

3. Experimental manuscripts, reviews, clinical cases, novel methods and technologies on current issues of dentistry, medicine, pediatrics, and pharmacy.

The journal publishes articles in Ukrainian and English.

The editorial activity of Odesa Medical Journal is based on the recommendations of:
— Committee of Publication Ethics;
— International standards for editors and authors;
— Code of Ethics of the scientist of Ukraine