N 3 (188) 2024. P. 79–84


Odesa National Medical University, Odesa, Ukraine

DOI 10.32782/2226-2008-2024-3-13

The medical and social problem of postmenopausal osteoporosis has a significant financial burden on the health care system.

The purpose of the study. The purpose of the study is to examine medicines of subgroup M05B “Drugs affecting the structure and mineralization of bone tissue” in the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine and determine their physical availability to consumers.

Materials and methods of research. The materials of the study included medical and technological documents of postmenopausal osteoporosis, data from the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine (dated 01.02. 2024), the aggregator site tabletki.ua, the State Formulary of Medicines (issues 12-16), the National List of Essential Medicines, and the Register of Wholesale Prices.

To achieve the goal, we used content analysis, marketing, statistical, comparative, graphical and generalization methods.

Result and Conclusion. There are 41 registered medicines in Ukraine, of which more than 85% are foreign-made, mostly in the form of concentrate for solution for infusion. Discrepancies have been identified in the ratio of registered M05B medicines to the actual supply in pharmacies in Odesa, Kyiv and Lviv regions, which reduces the physical availability of medicines for patients. The State Formulary of Medicines averagely contains 40.4% of the medicines under study out of the total number of registered ones. The absence of drugs with zoledronic acid in the Register of Wholesale Prices has been established, which makes it impossible to procure them at the expense of state and local budgets. The National List of Essential Medicines includes zoledronic and ibandronic acids, which means that there is no state regulation of prices for other drugs of the investigated group in the retail and wholesale segment of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine.

Key words: market research, postmenopause, osteoporosis, bisphosphonates, availability.


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