N 3 (188) 2024. P. 39–44


Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Ternopil, Ukraine
Odesa National Medical University, Odesa, Ukraine
Private practice, Ternopil, Ukraine

DOI 10.32782/2226-2008-2024-3-7

Today, the harmful effects of geochemical and anthropogenic predictors are provocative factors for the development and activity of dental diseases. The aim of the study is to objectively study the ecological and hygienic environment, its influence on the content of micro- and macroelements in hair, oral fluid, and the condition of the hard tissues of the teeth in 6-year-old children.

Materials and methods. Toxico Hygienic studies of drinking water of Ternopil city, macro- and microelement composition of hair of 6-year-old children were carried out. To determine the prevalence of dental caries, 252 children aged 6 were examined, of whom a representative group of 30 children, accurately representing the composition of the studied population, was selected. Clinical and laboratory studies included the determination of the intensity of dental caries and the mineral balance of oral fluid (content of calcium, inorganic phosphorus, fluoride).

Results. The total mineralization of water was 496.0 mg/dm3, which is 2–3 times below the norm. The content of essential elements was lower than the norm almost 30 times, and the fluoride content was only 0.19 mg/dm3. The content of iron exceeded the normative indicators by 22 times. Nitrites and toxic microelements exceeded the maximum permissible values. X-ray fluorescence analysis of children’s hair confirmed anthropogenic load: excess of toxic microelements of strontium, lead, insufficient content of essential elements of potassium, iron, copper, manganese, selenium, iodine, etc. We found symbatic changes in the microelement composition of hair and oral fluid in children. Violation of the mineralizing function of saliva was revealed: low content of calcium and fluoride and predominance of phosphates in oral fluid; the Ca/P ratio was 0.09±0.01. The prevalence of dental caries in 6-year-old children was 75% with an intensity of lesion cf±CFE=6.57±0.36. The obtained data indicate the influence of environmental factors, of which geochemical and anthropogenic are particularly significant for the intensity of dental caries.

Key words: dental caries, children, ecotoxicants, essential elements.


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