N 3 (188) 2024. P. 9–13


State Establishment “The Institute of Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery, National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine”, Odesa, Ukraine
Odesa National Medical University, Odesa, Ukraine
Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Odesa, Ukraine

DOI 10.32782/2226-2008-2024-3-1

Introduction. The nature of gunshot wounds, the development of complications, the course of wound healing with high mortality, and a significant percentage of complications confirm that ammunition with different damaging properties is used in hostilities that contribute to the development of specific changes in the gunshot wound.

The purpose. Gunshot wounds and fractures of the upper jaw were modeled in an experimental study on male laboratory rats for a comparative assessment of the course of the injuries.

Materials and methods. The modelling of injuries was performed following original methods. The intensity of inflammation and the general condition of the body after injury was determined by peripheral blood counts (leukocytes, erythrocytes, and hemoglobin), inflammatory markers (elastase activity and malondialdehyde content), and antioxidant defense in the blood serum, the markers of bone remodeling (alkaline and acid phosphatase activity, elastase, and calcium content) in the jaws with the injured area. The analysis of values was performed on days 7, 14, 21, and 28 after modeling the injuries.

Results. Gunshot wounds of the jaw caused a more pronounced development of general inflammatory reaction than fractures (by 30.3–41.0%), intensification of lipid peroxidation (by 33.3–55.3%), and decrease in the activity of antioxidant defense. Normalization of blood values in rats after jaw fracture was observed on day 14–21, and after gunshot wound – on day 21–28. Resorption of bone tissue in the jaws of rats after gunshot wounds was more intense than after fractures (increasing the activity of elastase – by 17.9–52.8% and acid phosphatase – 29.3–42.9%. Bone formation processes after gunshot injuries began a week later than after fractures. In general, after gunshot wounds of the upper jaw, more significant disorders in the blood and bone tissue were found compared to non-gunshot injuries of the jaw.

Keywords: rats, maxillofacial area, gunshot wounds, fractures, inflammation and bone remodeling values.


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