N 2 (187) 2024. P. 81–84


Odesa National Medical University, Odesa, Ukraine

DOI 10.32782/2226-2008-2024-2-14

One of the promising ways to improve wound healing is the creation and wider introduction into clinical practice of natural ointments with pronounced anti-inflammatory and reparative properties, which are able to provide a complex therapeutic effect on treating skin wounds.

The aim of the study is to determine the wound-healing and reparative effect of ointment with Tribulus terrestris L. extract in experimental wound damage to the skin in rats.

Materials and methods. In experiments on 80 non-linear white rats of both sexes, it was analyzed the comparative wound-healing and reparative effect of an ointment based on the extract of Tribulus terrestris L., which was created at the Department of General and Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy of the Odesa National Medical University, and the comparison drug – methyluracil ointment. The comparative wound-healing effect of ointments was studied on the model of an aseptic planar skin wound in rats and evaluated by the planimetric method. The reparative effect of ointments was studied on a model of an aseptic linear incised skin wound and evaluated by the strength of the scar formed during wound healing in rats using the wound tensiometry method. Treatment was carried out by daily one-time application of ointments to the wound surface using an open method.

Results. The property of an ointment based on the extract of Tribulus terrestris L. to shorten the healing time of an aseptic planar skin wound in rats by 1.5–2.0 times was established. In addition, it was shown that in terms of the expressiveness of the wound-healing effect in all terms of the experiment, the ointment under study is not inferior to the comparison drug – methyluracil ointment. In the model of aseptic linear incised skin wound in rats, ointment based on Tribulus terrestris L. extract is superior to methyluracil ointment in terms of reparative activity. The established therapeutic effect of the ointment based on the extract of Tribulus terrestris L. opens up prospects for creating a new ointment based on it for the effective treatment of wound processes of the skin of various genesis.

Key words: ointment with Tribulus terrestris L. extract, methyluracil ointment, wound healing effect, reparative effect.


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