N 2 (187) 2024. P. 35–39


Odesa National Medical University, Odesa, Ukraine

DOI 10.32782/2226-2008-2024-2-6

Introduction. Dental implantation is widely developed in modern medicine. In order to obtain an early positive result of dental implantation, it is necessary to study and prevent early post-implantation inflammatory complications by means of local application of a new hygienic product – Apiprol dental elixir.

The aim of research is to study the changes in inflammatory reactions in the oral cavity with the local application of the new hygiene agent at the early postoperative period of dental implantation.

Material and methods. 28 patients (15 women and 13 men) with partial secondary adentia aged 32 to 60 years who underwent dental implantation.

The effectiveness of the treatment was assessed by clinical and laboratory (biochemical, microbiological, immunological) examinations.

Results. The results showed that at the early postoperative stage of dental implantation in both study groups (with the local application of the new dental elixir and with the traditional use of herbal tinctures), local inflammatory processes occur in the tissues surrounding the implantation zone. At the early post-implantation period, the new dental elixir has a positive effect on the hygiene and microbiological status of the oral cavity decreasing the hygienic index on average from 3.8 to 0.5, quickly reduces the severity of edema and hyperemia of the periimplant tissues with pain relief (on the 6th day in 91.6 % versus 72,9% in comparison group). At the early post-implantation stage, the dental elixir improves oral condition, inhibits free radical oxidation, activates enzyme components of antioxidant defenсe, which creates the basis for rapid recovery of peri-implant tissues compared to traditional local therapy.

Conclusion. The occurrence of early postoperative complications during dental implantation is reduced by local application of the dental elixir to the peri-implantation area during the first ten days of the post-implantation period.

Key words: dental implantation, oral fluid, markers of inflammation, dental elixir.


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