N 1 (186) 2024 р. P. 75–82


Odesa National Medical University, Odesa, Ukraine
Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine

DOI 10.32782/2226-2008-2024-1-12

The paper defines the role of scenario-based simulation learning as one of the key tools of a problem-based approach in forming future doctors’ clinical competence, professional confidence, and practical skills in emergency care.

The study aims to assess the impact of the introduction of scenario-based simulation learning on the dynamics of changes in the indicators of the formation of professional competence of students in emergency care.

Materials and methods. Methods. Descriptive, comparative study, questionnaires, and statistical analysis. Design. The study was carried out between May and June 2023 using emergency simulation situations. 59 sixth-year students of ONMedU took part in the study. Questionnaires and objective assessment criteria were employed to gather information about the participants’ performance in the simulation. Pre-test, post-test right after the simulation, and post-test three months later were used to assess confidence in performing certain medical operations. The answers were then graded using a pre-made mark sheet.

Results. Following the simulation, the student’s confidence in all the assessed skills increased significantly, and that rise persisted for three months. The level of confidence of all students for all assessed skills increased significantly immediately after the training (21.8 ±1.33%, p<0.001), after 3 months it remained almost at the same level (19.14±1.54%, p< 0.001). The survival rate of knowledge after 3 months was 18.8±1.71%.

Conclusion. The obtained outcomes demonstrate the value of the relevant teaching strategy and its efficiency for Ukrainian higher medical education. It highlights that further study is required to determine the best way to include simulation scenarios in the teaching and learning process.

Key words: scenario-based learning, problem-based learning, highly realistic clinical modeling, professional competence of doctors, medical emergencies, soft skills.


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