N 1 (182) 2023. P. 93–95


Poltava State Medical University, Poltava, Ukraine

DOI 10.32782/2226-2008-2023-1-20

The discipline «general surgery» is provided by the educational and professional program of the Poltava State Medical University as a main component. Mastering the discipline of general surgery is important for future professional medical activity, as it allows students to learn basic theoretical knowledge on the organization of surgical care. In wartime conditions, correct and adequate communication with students is very important. To encourage and interest them in studying the discipline, we create informational conditions for them to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The purpose of our study was to determine the inclination of foreign students with an English-language form to one or another type of education to improve the quality of acquiring professional competencies in general surgery. Taking into account the priorities of students, we use a mixed form of education – at the same time, classes in the Google classroom (we provide materials for preparing for practical classes, lectures, methodological recommendations, videos, as well as questions for individual students on topics, etc.), a zoom conference according to the schedule (students connect who can) – and the simultaneous presence of students in the class (off-line). We consider it expedient to use a mixed form of education for foreign students, with the simultaneous use of several platforms that provide the opportunity for face-to-face contact with the teacher, and allow to give written answers to questions on the topics of the discipline, which will allow to improve the quality of education in the discipline as much as possible. Encourage students to learn by giving them the opportunity to perform certain practical skills followed by video recording and increased points for individual work. Such a comprehensive approach will allow to increase the level of mastery of education seekers, first of all, professional competences.

Key words: general surgery, wartime, remote, mixed form of education.


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