N 3 (181) 2022. P. 40–42


Odesa National Medical University, Odesa, Ukraine

DOI 10.32782/2226-2008-2022-3-8

Antegrade intramedullary nailing remains the “gold standard” in the treatment of diaphyseal femoral fractures for several decades. There is much controverces regarding the choice of nail insertion point with subsequent complications that may arise. It is considered that the optimal insertion point is the fossa piriformis for centromedullary nails, and the apex of the greater trochanter for cephalomedullary nails. Postoperative radiographs his category of patients showed the presence of angular displacements of the axis of the femur associated with an incorrectly chosen point of insertion of the intramedullary nail and the direction of intramedullary cavity opening of the proximal fragment of the femur. Underestimation of these stages leads to varus angulation of the femoral axis with all subsequent complications related to fracture consolidation.

Key words: osteosynthesis, fracture, femur, intramedullary, entry point.


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