Analysis of incidence rate and prevalence of sarcoidosis in Belarus in 1997–2004 was carried out. Incidence rate of sarcoidosis in Belarus had been growing rapidly and increased 4.5 times due to diagnostic improvement as compared to 1977. At present incidence rate incidence rate is stabilized in the range of 3.5–4.4 per 100,000 population, but in 2004 this index reached 6.0 per 100000 (urban population — 9.4; rural population — 2.1). Females and patients of 20–40 years old traditionally prevail among newly detected patients. Thus analysis of incidence rate structure by age and gender testifies displacement of sarcoidosis incidence rate to older age groups. Sarcoidosis prevalence in Belarus in 2004 reached 32.1 per 100,000.