N 5 (177) 2021. P. 5–9


Odesa National Medical University MH of Ukraine, Odesa, Ukraine

DOI 10.54229/2226-2008-2021-5-1

The purpose of this work is to experimentally study the pharmacokinetics of a three-component coordination compound of germanium oxyethylidene diphosphonate with nicotinic acid (MIGU-4), created on the basis of natural metabolites.

Materials and methods. The study of the pharmacokinetics of MIGU-4 was carried out for germanium and was based on the extraction-photometric method. The experiment was carried out on male Wistar rats weighing 130–170 g. MIGU-4 was injected intraperitoneally at the rate of 37.5 mg of germanium per 1 kg of body weight. Its amount in tissues was determined photometrically by the light absorption of germanium phenifluoronate.

Results of the study. The results of the experimental study were processed statistically. Pharmacokinetic parameters calculated using partial models analyzing the pharmacokinetic parameters, it can be seen that MIGU-4 was rapidly distributed over the organs and tissues of experimental animals. The time of admission to the examined organs was less than 0.25 hours. The studied biologically active substance quickly enters the well-vascularized organs and is evenly distributed in them. The elimination half-life (T1/2) was 5–8 h, the largest in the lungs, the smallest in the liver. The average residence time of MIGU-4 in experimental animals ranged from 7 hours to 27 hours. Therefore, with intraperitoneal administration MIGU-4 is rapidly excreted from the body.

Conclusions. The results of pharmacokinetic studies have shown that MIGU-4 is promising for the creation of a safe and effective drug. The dynamics of the therapeutic effect is comparable to the maximum concentration of the substance in the organs and tissues of experimental animals.

Key words: oxyethylidene diphosphonate of germanium, nicotinic acid, coordination compound, pharmacokinetics


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