Aim: to determine the stomatoprotective action on gastroduodenitis patients of antidysbiotic means Quertulyne and Lequin.
Materials and methods. Determing dental and hygienic indices in saliva (elastase, MDA, urease, lysozyme, catalase). The phytogeles “Quertulin” and “Lequin” were used by oral applications.
Results. The dental and hygienic indices, the saliva levels of elastase, urease were raised, but the saliva levels of catalase and lysozyme were reduced in gastroduodenit patients. Oral applications of quertulin and lequin were reduced the levels of elastase, urease and dental indices but were raised the levels of lysozyme and catalase.
Conclusions. The phytogeles “Quertulin” and “Lequin” render the stomatoprotective action on gastroduodenit patients.