Objective: development and support of structural and organizational model and algorithm provide primary health care to the population on the basis of an integrated social hygienic research.
The crisis, which is now in health care in Ukraine, is due to the lack of adequate funding and economic levers. In this case funds for the support and preservation of the existing network of health care institutions is not enough, at the same time there are no appropriate measures for the development of resource-saving technologies, the creation of a more economical model of care to the population. This process has led to the need for health care reform, carried out in order to provide the population with quality health care.
General practice (family medicine) is unique specialty oriented to solve problems of the patient as an individual in the context of his family and social relations. It requires a wide range of knowledge and skills, including both the organization and management skills and advising patients with various problems, including social ones. The ability to efficiently use resources for health and promptly appoint a science-based methods of investigation and treatment can provide a reduction in the health care system costs in general. The history of the specialty of general practitioners in most countries of the world shows the importance of the reform of primary health care by type of general practice. Further efforts aimed at the development of general practice and the training of specialists in this field.