The Aim is to determine the levels of barrier dysfunction of the mucous membrane with candidiasis of the upper part of the digestive tract in order to study and compare clinical, microbiological, immunological and biochemical aspects of the disease.
Materials and methods. 136 patients were examined who were divided into three groups of microbiological investigation of the tongue’s scrape and biopsy materials of esophagus and stomach depending on the depth of the mucous membrane damage. Pepsin’s concentration, glycoproteins concentration, sialic acids, fucosa, hexosamine in the gastric juice concentrations, the level of lactoferrin and secretory immunoglobulin A in the oral liquid and gastric juice were defined. СD3+, СD4+, СD8+, СD16+, СD22+, functional activity of granulocytes in the spontaneous NST-test, the level of immune complexes, interleukins (IL)-1b, -4, -6, -8, TNF-a (tumor necrosis factor), such immunoglobulin as А, М, G, Е, malondialdehyde, catalase, the activity of superoxidedysmutase, diene conjugates were defined in peripheral blood. Peculiarities of buccal epithelial cells of patients were studied.
Results. Based on results, barrier dysfunction of the mucous membrane of the candidiasis are on different levels as a consequence of lactoferrin and secretory immunoglobulin decrease in liquids of the digestive tract, structural disorganization of the mucous gel, imbalance in the system of antioxidative protection, accumulation of products of lipid peroxidation, decrease of Т-lymphocytic link activity, imbalance of cytokine’s synthesis, and humoral part of immunity at high level of endotoxemia. Substance of buccal epithelial cells of Candida albicans is key link which is associated with the severity of the damage of the mucous membrane.
Conclusions. The development of candidiasis of the mucous membrane of the upper area of the digestive tract will be due to the decrease of the barrier function that is the result of the complex influence of all levels of its functioning.