Comprehensive investigation was carried out and the characteristic of the working conditions and the labor process at all stages of mining of iron ore and their hygienic assessment. So in underground iron ore mining drilling and blasting method the dustiness of the working area reaches (12.42±3.28) mg/m3. Equivalent noise levels reach (115±7) dBA, velocity — exceed acceptable levels in dB at 1–20 parts mining equipment depending on its type and technological features of its application. While the work is carried out in adverse climate. The temperature ranges from 21 to 26 °C, with relative humidity from 85 to 97%, speed of air movement in workplaces ranges from 0.1 to 4 m/sec. The burden of work is formed by raising and moving loads, awkward working posture, static exertion. The intensity of work in all occupational groups is associated with risk for own life, increased responsibility for the safety of others, the nature of work performed and labour regimes.

In open pit mining of iron ore working conditions characterized by work in the open air and used mining equipment. So the high temperature in summer 33–40 °C or more, and low in winter from -10 to +5 °C create adverse microclimatic conditions. The high concentration of dust to (10.87±3.15) mg/m3. Mining equipment is the source of intense noise, which is (83±3) dBA and the total vibration that depends on the type of mining equipment and is (63±2) dBA.

Thus, at all stages of mining iron ore have the harmful and dangerous working conditions and the labor process and limmoudim indicators are the dust concentration and the total vibration, underground — performance dust, climate and the severity of work. The study open up prospects for further scientific research aimed at the categorization of occupational risk, depending on the working conditions and the development and implementation of preventive measures aimed at its reduction.