Introduction. Urinary tract infections (UTI) are the most common infectious diseases in the world that often occur in relatively healthy people. According to the Treatment Protocol it is prescribed herbal remedies for UTI medication which include such plants as Orthosнphon, Cowberry, Bearberry etc. The recommendations of the European Association of Urology for the UTI prevention indicate long-term use of cranberry remedies with proanthocyanidins content in the dose of 36–72 mg per day. Nowadays, the range of medicines with Cranberry fruits used for the UTI prevention and treatment, is limited.

Purpose. The study of the registered in Ukraine herbal drugs nomenclature, and also biologically active additives (BAA) based on Cranberry fruits, which are used in UTI.

Methods. Marketing research of herbal drugs and also BAA with Cranberry for UTI application was conducted. Analysis of medicines assortment in accordance with the State Register of Drugs, Classification system of ATS (Anatomical-Therapeutic-Chemical) and the survey data of the Ivano-Frankivsk drug-stores was carried out.

Results. According to the State Register of Drugs, 24 herbal medicines for UTI application were registered. Among them there were the same amount of domestic and foreign drugs; between dosage forms — drops (25%) and tablets (21%) were predominated; among the medicinal plants in their compositions — Horsetail, Knotweed, Birch were mostly used. According to the pharmacists’ surveys in Ivano-Frankivsk drug-stores it was found that regional pharmaceutical market was presented only with 1 drug and 9 BAAs with Cranberry for the UTI treatment; the share of national products was 33%.

Conclusions. Thus, among a large nomenclature of herbal drugs, medicines with Cranberry are available in a limited range, which is primarily foreign production. Therefore, the creation of new domestic remedies with Cranberry fruit for the UTI treatment is a promising and economically appropriate task for pharmaceutical science.