Background. The article presents the main specific dangers and complications of mini-invasive bariatric operations like a restrictive operations as laparoscopic gastric banding and laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and the implantation of intragastric balloon, which are considered as the safest mini-invasive bariatric procedures.

Methods. The most common complications after laparoscopic gastric banding are band problems (band erosion, band intolerance, band leakage, band slippage) and port problems (port inversion and dislocation, port and connection tube infection). The most dangerous complications after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy are gastric tube leakage and bleeding of stapler line and gastric tube stricture and distortion.

Results. The most common complications after implantation of intragastric balloon are rejection of the balloon dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, lack of weight loss, stomach ulcerations, destruction of the balloon in terms of 6 months and balloon migration through the intestines, accompanied by a high risk of intestinal obstruction and problems during the endoscopic removal of the balloon.

Conclusions. Thus, the most common mini-invasive bariatric intervention though considered as quite safe, has some specific serious complications. The risk of such complications indicates that bariatric intervention should be performed only in highly specialized bariatric centers.