Introduction. The main principle of new medicines search is to achieve their greater efficiency and low toxicity. Great attention is attracted to search of new medicines that have to cover all chains of pathological process revealing etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic influences. Such perspective biologically active compounds (BAC) are metals coordinative compounds with the wide spectrum of pharmacological activity and low toxicity.

The aim of the work. The influence of new different metals (Mg, Co) bis(citrate)germanates (stannates) on thiopental sleep is described in the work.

Materials and methods. The experiments were performed in conditions of chronic experiment using 162 male Wistar rats. The following compounds were tested in these trials — germacit, stanmacit, gercocit and stancocit — in doses that are 1/80, 1/110 and 1/135 of LD50 for each substance.

Sleep was induced through thiopental sodium (50 mg/kg) i. p. administration. There were two series of experimental trials. The first was dedicated to new BAC efficacy to potentiate the action of the sleep-promoting substance. Hereby each new BAC compound was injected primary to thiopental sodium solution. The second experimental block was dedicated to the investigation of new BAC possibility to potentiate the thiopental-induced sleep — in those conditions there was 30 min interval between each BAC and thiopental sodium injections.

The number of the fallen asleep animals and ability of BAC to prolong the tiopental-induced sleep were chosen as criteria for an assessment of their influence on a thiopental-provoked sleep.

The data obtained were analyzed statistically using both parametric and nonparametric statistic criteria. P<0.05 was considered as an index of statistic difference.

Results. The data obtained showed that investigated BAC potentiate thiopental sleep development and prolong its duration. Cobalt-containing germanium derivative appeared to be the most active in this relation: its LD50 in case of sleep potentiation was equal to (1.1±0.2) mg/kg, in case of sleep prolongation was equal to (0.93±0.22) mg/kg. All the investigated BAC according to their influence on the thiopental sleep were settled in the following row: germacit > stancocit > stanmacit (dream potentiation) and germacit > stanmacit > stancocit (sleep prolongation).

Conclusion. The author concludes about potential GABA-ergic mechanisms of new different metals (Mg, Co) bis(citrate) germanates (stannates) revealed neurotropic effects realization.